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Monday, 6 October 2014

Will Indonesia Play a Role in Violence at the Name of Religion ?

Will Indonesia Play a Role in Violence at the Name of Religion ?

Indonesia is the bigest Islamic States in the world, around 200 milion muslims live here or 90 percent of their population,  Wow :) . As a largest muslims, Indonesia must play their crucial role to build a new face of Islam. Sometimes people in western countries look at Islam and think it must be violent religion, but Indonesia is an exception. It is very dificult for some people to understand about this religion if they only look at a small number of Arab Countries. Indonesia has more than 200 million muslims, and then followed by India, Bangladesh, and Pakistan. Islam in this countries especially in Indonesia live harmonius with other religion.  For instance, in Ambarawa, a small city of Indonesia,  there is a mosque build along side a church and wihara. Eventhough they build closer one by one, i’ve never heard about conflicts in the name of religion. I belive that there’s a lot of city in Indonesia has a local wisdom like that. 
But nowdays talking about ISIS in Iraq and Syria is a trending topic for Islamic Issues. Not only ISIS, but also some islamic radical mass organizations are growing more intolerant towards minorities. It’s clearly dangerious for Islam, because it make a preception from peoples who doesn’t understand about islam make a bad judgement. A recent article published by kompas, in 4th October 2014 show that one of the islamic organization in Indonesia play a violation in their demontration. Four cops injured in the protest by FPI against Mr. Basuki Tjahja Purnama.  Whereas Ahok as a Jakarta Governor is good for democracy learning. Why ? Indonesia is the world’s third-largest democracy, but few minorities are represented in the diverse nation's halls of power. One exception is Jakarta’s straight-talking new governor, Mr. Basuki Tjahaja Purnama, who is spearheading a new political culture. A double minority, Chinese and Christian, doesn’t hinder him to change a common perception of politics in Indonesia.
If Indonesia willing to repair the face of their democracy, they must give a zero tollerance for every organizations that make a violence in the name of Religion. Peacefull in Indonesia is verry important not only for peoples who lives there but also for Islam. What we need now is a active moderate leadership not a lips servicer. As a President, Mr. Jokowi will take duty for repair this situation. I’ve believe this problems can be solved by revoking discriminatory regulations, enforcing the constitutional protection of freedom of religion, and thoroughly investigating and punishing acts of religious violence. 
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